Rules and Regulations

Registrations are made until the total number of available registrations has been exhausted, but no later than APRIL 13, 2025. If there is availability, registrations can also be made at the Expo according to the displayed schedule. The organizers reserve the right to interrupt, stop registrations to the event or to change the registration deadline at any time and without prior notification.

Registrations can be made on or affiliate portals.

Registration fees are non-refundable. Changing the registration can be done against a fee of 10 Euros per person for transferring to another race or replacing a runner (individual or team.

Registrations to the event based on incorrect information will result in the disqualification of the respective participants and the registration fee will not be refunded.

All participants must be medically fit, both physically and mentally. Participation in the event is done on the participant’s own responsibility, with the participant assuming all the risks related to the activity carried out. By registering and participating in the event, each participant agrees that the organizers, sponsors, vendors, volunteers, participating institutions or officials, partners and staff responsible for the event will not be held responsible for accidents or damages suffered as a result of participating in this event. To participate in the event, each participant must sign the participation agreement/waiver before the race.

Adults with disabilities can participate in the 10km race. Athletes in wheelchairs and who are self-propelled will enter the ranking of the “wheelchairs” category.

The minimum age to participate in the 10km Race is 10 years old on the date of the race. The minimum age to participate in the Popular Race is 8 years old on the date of the race. Minors between 8 and under 10 years old (on date of the race), can participate in this competition only accompanied by an adult, with their consent and strict supervision throughout the competition. All athletes under the age of 18 must present their identity document and the written consent given by one of their parents or legal guardians. The corporations, schools and other organizations that register in the group are responsible for collecting and presenting these documents to the organizers before the race for the minors in the respective groups.

Race kits will be picked up in person, exclusively at the Expo, during the displayed scheduled and only on the basis of the identity document (ID or passport) for EACH participant (original or copy). The minimum age for participation is 8 years old on the date of the event. For children between 8 and 14 years old, identification is based on the birth certificate or passport (original or copy). Registrations for the event based on false information will result in the disqualification of the respective participants and the registration fee will not be refunded.

The introduction of dangerous or illegal materials or substances is prohibited (including, but not limited to, firearms, any objects that qualify as stabbing weapons, explosives, etc.) No vehicles are allowed on the course, except bicycles or vehicles approved by the organizers. Those who violate the legal provisions and the regulations of the event Offenders will be sanctioned according to the law. In order to participate in the event and access the event area, including the expo area, the participants agree that the organizer may request, through the authorized security personnel, the physical control of persons and their personal objects. In case of refusal of such a search, the person in question will be prohibited from entering or continuing access to the event area. If prohibited or illegal materials or substances are in the possession of a person, it will be immediately referred to the authorities present.

The organizers reserve the right to refuse registration, to exclude from the race and to refuse or remove from the event area, at their own discretion, even during the race, any person who: does not comply with the provisions of the event regulations, has inappropriate behavior that disrupts normal participation in the event, exclusion from previous or similar races for violating the rules, interferes with the circulation and safety of other participants in the event, uses any methods of promotion or marketing of certain brands, companies, products, services, etc. who are not sponsors of the competition or have not been approved in writing by the organizers, promote in any way political, religious or any kind of opinion that may contain a political, religious message or that causes violence, discrimination or hatred, promote messages that could damage the image of the event or the organizers, sponsors, partners or government authorities.

All participants must wear the race bib in order to be able to time and receive their official time and be eligible to win prizes. The bib number will be worn on the front of the shirt on the chest area and must be kept visible and in good condition throughout the race to be easily identified by the competition referees. The timing chip must be maintained on the race bib in the position recommended by the organizers so that the time obtained can be validated and the participant eligible to be ranked and win prizes. Modification, alteration of any kind or giving to another person the contest number or the chip, or the loss of the race bib or the chip automatically leads to the disqualification of the participant.

During the race, several control points will be installed to record the times of the participants. In order for the individual result to be validated, the participants must pass through all the control points located during the race. Runners who do not cross all the timing bands will not be registered by the timing system and will be automatically disqualified.

All participants must wear appropriate sports equipment during the race.

Access with animals is prohibited in the areas dedicated to the event, on the route or in the Expo area. Participants with animals will be disqualified and removed from the event area.

The access with strollers (baby carriers, pets carriers or similar) on course or Start/Finish areas is strictly prohibited. Participants with strollers will be disqualified and removed from the event area.

If during the race a participant loses his race number, he will have to immediately inform the race referees, otherwise he will be automatically disqualified. Inappropriate behavior towards the other participants, organizers, officials or spectators leads to the direct disqualification of the participant and reporting the situation to the authorities.

Professional athletes, participants in official races organized by the Romanian Athletics Federation (or any World Athletics member federation), athletes registered with clubs, or active athletes in the World Athletics ranking, are not eligible to participate in the Team 3 Challenge. The inclusion of such an athlete in a Team 3 Challenge team will automatically lead to the disqualification of the team.

All images, videos or sounds from the event recorded and/or distributed by a participant or spectator may be used for personal use only and may not be used for commercial, promotional, advertising or marketing purposes (including but not limited to persons, organizations or affiliated companies) without the express and written consent of the organizer.

All participants must carry and be prepared to present a valid ID to confirm that they are authorized to participate in the event and to be eligible to win the prizes offered. Before the prizes are awarded, the participants will have to wait for the verification and validation of the results by the officials.

The 10 km race will be open to the participants for 1.5 hours from the start, then portions of the route will be reopened to car traffic, the safety of the participants can no longer be guaranteed after this moment.

The half-marathon race will be open to the participants for 3 hours from the start, then the route will be reopened to car traffic, the safety of the participants can no longer be guaranteed after this moment.

Participants going over the time limit for the respective race, will have to leave the route to a pedestrian area immediately. Participants who do not finish the race in the allotted time will not receive an official result.

Doping tests can be requested of any participant before or after the race, with strict compliance with national laws, the regulations of the Romanian Athletics Federation, the rules of World Athletics and the regulations of ANAD and WADA, this being a condition of eligibility for prizes. The participant won a prize and who refuses the test and is found positive in the doping tests, will have to return the prize and the authorities, WADA and World Athletics (in case of a professional athlete) will be notified of this fact.

The official ranking will be provided on the website of the event or an affiliate within 48 hours of the completion of the race, except as expressly stated in the competition regulations. The final rankings are subject to validation and anti-doping testing. According to World Athletics regulations, the official ranking is based on the official time recorded for each runner. The official time is considered gun-time, measured from the moment of the official start until the moment of crossing the finish line. The net time, measured from the moment of crossing the Start line to the moment of crossing the Finish line, will be specified in the individual race certificate (this time will not be used in the official classification).

The cash prizes will be paid to the eligible winners within 6-8 weeks from the end of the event. The organizer may decide to postpone the payment of the cash prizes until the arrival of the final results of the anti-doping tests, if such tests will be performed. Product prizes will be awarded only to winners present at the prize ceremony.

The prize list can be changed without any prior notice.

Cash prizes for Romanian citizens will be paid in RON only after deduction of legal taxes. Cash prizes for former citizens will be paid in EUR after 10% income tax has been deducted from the total amount.

If the result of a doping test is positive and is confirmed (and carried out according to World Athletics and ANAD regulations), the athlete in question will be disqualified, reported to international forums, and will become ineligible for any prizes.

If, after awarding the prizes, the organizer becomes aware of the fact that the participant has violated the rules and additional provisions, the latter must immediately return the prize at the request of the organizers.

All prize winners (money and/or products) must contact the organizers.

The event is private with the right to use the route and the expo area as a venue for a sports competition included in the official calendar of the Romanian Athletics Federation and World Athletics, with the approval and support of the local authorities.

The presence of participants and spectators at the event will be done in accordance with Law no. 4 of January 9, 2008 (updated) regarding sports competitions. Anyone who violates these provisions (including, but not limited to, participation without registration, non-compliance with event rules or legal regulations, inappropriate behavior) will be referred to the authorities present and may be subject to possible legal sanctions.

You can access the latest World Athletics Rules & Regulations here.